Devil tempt but he no force.
—Guyanese Proverb
The moment we become a parent, we take on an enormous responsibility—the care and cultivation of a human being. If the importance of leading a sober, sane, and wholesome life had never occurred to us before, it sure should kick in now.
Unfortunately, parenthood does not immunize us against our weaknesses, which run the gamut from drugs, alcohol, overeating, and smoking, to sexual temptations that can destroy our marriages and families, to mental and physical cruelty, and all sorts of other destructive behavior.
If we need help, let’s get it. Let’s keep the stakes in mind when the devil tempts us. Remember: Our children look up to us—let’s not let them down.
Call to Action: On this day, I will take five minutes to look at the temptations in my life, those that threaten my family, and determine if they are in check. If not, I pledge to take immediate action to put them in check or seek appropriate help.