I patterned myself from classy ladies. I take as much from them as I can, but I take it naturally, because I’m not going to be phony about it.
—Tina Turner
We are our own inventions, and we invent ourselves by becoming aware of the range of possibilities out there and deciding what appeals to us, what image we want to project, and how we want to live our lives.
We may fear looking or acting “phony,†but the choices we make are manifestations of our inner desires and needs. We are free to change and free to pick and choose the style that most suits us now. Observing us, our children learn that they need not conform to trends that do not suit them. They, too, must be allowed the freedom to stretch themselves to see what excites their passion, what motivates and inspires them. Perhaps our child can teach us something new.
Call to Action: On this day, I will take five minutes to consider whether I make snide remarks that may dampen my child’s enthusiasm or curb her exploration. If so, I pledge to stop.