A man with his hands folded in prayer.


I’ve had so many downs that I knew the law of averages would be in my favor one day.

– Doug Williams

When life seems to bring nothing but a string of defeats and disappointments, we’ve got to have faith that something good is still in store for us. With this faith, we can forge ahead and continue to put forth our best effort. Without it, we give up and accept what comes our way, good or bad. Our precious dreams begin to seem absurdities.

It is imperative that we see ourselves as worth and deserving of a good life. There may be rejections; it may take us a while; but as long as we stay in the game, there’s every chance we’ll score. On the side-lines, we can only watch as others do the work and the winning.

Call to Action: On this day, I will spend five minutes to relax and visualize success in achieving one of my goals.

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