I knew someone had to take the first step and I made up my mind not to move.
—Rosa Parks
First steps are always scary. When we take a first step, we are ultimately acting alone. With a first step, we take a leap of faith that we will wind up on both feet when all the dust settles. All of us have some experience in taking first steps. When we initiate a move toward friendship, or make the attempt to apologize and patch up a relationship, it’s possible we’ll fail. Ditto when we start a new job or career, or commit to a romantic partner. While the risks may not be as frightening as those that Rosa Parks took, they are nonetheless significant and meaningful as they are our own intimate tests of character. With a first step, we challenge ourselves and our fears.
Call to Action: On this day, I will take five minutes to remember a time when I took a first step—started a project, made up with a friend, introduced myself to a future loved one—and I will feel the emotions and sweet sensations of that initial move blossoming.