Avoid noxious relationships, and seek those that are nurturing.
—John E. Copage
It can be tricky when we recognize that some of the people who are closest to us are inhibiting our growth or clouding our optimism. What do we do when it’s a mate, lover, parent, or best friend who brings us down?
First, let’s communicate. An attack on them will just make them angry or defensive, neither of which is our purpose here. We need to calmly but unequivocally state our concerns and desires. Second, we must be committed to act; only then do we show we’re serious. If our mate is in the habit of sabotaging our diet efforts, we might enlist his support by joining the Y together, or pointing out the fat content of his nightly treats and introducing a more healthful substitution.On this day, I will take five minutes to talk to my child about the importance of communication in a relationship